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Prenylated 2-Phenoxychromones and Flavonoids from Epimedium brevicornum and Revised Structures of Epimedonins A and B, J. Nat. Prod., 2018, 81: 16–21.
发布时间:2019-08-02 阅读数:3880 来源:原创

Fu-Cai Ren, Xian-Jun Jiang, Shi-Zhen Wen, Li-Xia Wang, Xiang-Mei Li, and Fei Wang*

BioBioPha Co., Ltd., 132 Lanhei Road, Kunming 650201, People’s Republic of China


Six hitherto unknown prenylated 2-phenoxychromones, epimedonin G (1), 7-O-methylepimedonin G (2), and epimedonins H−K (36), and two new prenylflavonoids, epimedonin L (7) and 3''-O-desmethylspinorhamnoside (8), were isolated from an ethanol extract of the aerial parts of Epimedium brevicornum. Their structures were established on the basis of spectroscopic data interpretation. Compound 7 exhibited cytotoxic activity when evaluated against four human cancer cell lines (HL-60, A-549, MCF-7, and SW-480), with IC50 values of <10 μM. In addition, the structures of epimedonins A and B (9a, 10a), recently isolated from E. koreanum, were corrected by reanalysis of the published NMR data.

文章链接: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jnatprod.7b00514

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